墙壁的英语怎么说 墙壁的英语怎么说用中文谐音 _英语

2023-05-03 15:02 • 阅读 79
很多网友想了解墙壁的英语怎么说的相关知识,为了大家进一步的对墙壁的英语怎么说用中文谐音所有了解,就跟小编一起来看看吧! 墙壁的 英语 怎么说提高学习的效率,而且在记忆单词的时候,也不一定是要专门拿出大量的时间来做单词的记忆,很多的同学在专门背诵单词的时候,也不一定能够记住很多,效率不是很高 。以下是

墙壁的 英语 怎么说提高学习的效率,而且在记忆单词的时候,也不一定是要专门拿出大量的时间来做单词的记忆,很多的同学在专门

背诵单词的时候,也不一定能够记住很多,效率不是很高 。以下是小编为您整理的墙壁的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
宫殿墙壁上的彩画,美得简直无与伦比 。
The color paintings on the walls of the palace are simply beautiful.
壁虎那表面粗糙的手掌可以帮助它牢牢地贴住墙壁 。
House lizard's rough palm can help it stick firmly to the wall.
由于室内干燥,墙壁都有裂缝了 。
The walls were cracked because of the dry indoors.

爸爸带领我们重新粉刷了一遍墙壁 。
Dad led us to paint the walls again.
撞上墙壁的网球受到弹力的作用又飞了回来 。
The tennis ball that hit the wall was struck by elasticity and flew back.
由于天气闷热潮湿,老屋的墙壁上长满了斑驳的青苔 。
Because the weather is hot and humid, the walls of the old houses are covered with mottled moss.
李爷爷家的墙壁上挂了一幅美丽的画卷 。
A beautiful picture hung on the wall of Grandpa Li's house.
教室的墙壁被粉饰一新 。
The walls of the classroom were whitewashed.
埃及胡夫金字塔修得非常好,墙壁严丝合缝,就像是一整块石头 。
The Egyptian Khufu was very well built in Pyramid, and the walls were close together like a whole stone.
小庆经常在墙壁上东涂西抹 。
Xiao Qing often spreads on the walls.
墙壁那么白,像雪似的 。
The walls are so white, like snow.

卧室的家具和墙壁的颜色十分和谐 。
The color of the bedroom furniture and walls is very harmonious.
天花板、墙壁上杂乱无章地贴着银色和金色的鱼形花纸 。
The ceiling and walls were cluttered with silver and gold fish shaped paper.
这家饭店服务态度真好,墙壁上挂满了顾客送的写着“宾至如归”等字样的锦旗 。
The service of this hotel is so good that the walls are covered with brocade banners with the words "Home to Home" sent by customers.
I think the color of walls and ceilings is always out of tune. Is it better to change other colors?
为了营造良好的学习环境,学校让工作人员将所有教室的墙壁重新粉刷了一遍 。
【墙壁的英语怎么说 墙壁的英语怎么说用中文谐音】To create a good learning environment, the school asked staff to repaint the walls of all the classrooms.

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