补偿英语怎么说 补偿 英语 _英语

2023-05-04 04:23 • 阅读 286
To compensate for this side-effect, we have developed a real time alignment monitoring and feedback controlled system. 为补偿这个副效应,开发了一个实时光学对准监控和反馈系统 。

To compensate for this side-effect, we have developed a real time alignment monitoring and feedback controlled system.

补偿这个副效应,开发了一个实时光学对准监控和反馈系统 。
We will have to compensate for all the loss incurred.
我们将不得不赔偿遭受的损失 。
I regret to Inform you that the Insurance company have decline to compensate you for the loss.
我很遗憾地通知您,保险公司拒绝了您的赔偿要求 。
Boosting their levels seems to compensate for oxidative damage to this enzyme.
提高它们的量似乎弥补了氧化物对这种酵素的损害 。
And Japan will have to compensate us accordingly.
日本将因此对我们进行赔偿 。
They will undertake to compensate you for the losses according to the risks insured.
他们将根据所投保的险别,对损失负责赔偿 。
Can see, manage compensate and be or get out of danger are a coherent process actually.
可以看出,理赔和出险实际上是一个连贯的过程 。
We will compensate you for them.
我们会补偿你在这批货中的损失 。
The first party has violated the contract, so it is obliged to compensate the second party.
甲方违反了合同中规定的条款,必须对乙方进行赔偿 。
Besides, feedback compensation is used to compensate the irregular disturbance in the system.
同时,针对空调系统中可能出现较大非规律性扰动,采取了反馈补偿的措施 。
A dynamic friction compensation method is proposed to compensate the system friction force.
后,论文对摩擦力动态补偿方法进行了试验研究 。
I'll compensate you for your losses.
我将弥补你的损失 。
The center-point compensation method was used to compensate and treat local data, the expected effect was achieved.
【补偿英语怎么说 补偿 英语】 采用中心点补偿法对现场数据进行补偿处理,取得了预期的效果 。


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