
2023-08-27 07:49 • 阅读 92
过一会的英文短语如下:1、just a minute例句:你是现在点餐还是过一会再点餐?Are you ready to order or just a minute?2、come back later例句:校长正有事呢,你能过一会儿来吗?The headmaster is engaged — ca


1、just a minute

例句:你是现在点餐还是过一会再点餐?Are you ready to order or just a minute?

2、come back later

例句:校长正有事呢,你能过一会儿来吗?The headmaster is engaged — can you come back later?

3、Just a little more

例句:只要再过一会儿,我们就能阻止灾难。 Just a little more, and we can stop this thing.
